What is Worship like?

Everything in worship has its roots in history. As changes were introduced, they challenged the current conventions – from standing to sitting in church, from no music to having music, and from only leaders reading to responsive reading (as literacy grew). Our worship blends a bit of the more recent past (we can sit, sing with music, and read) to include traditional hymns with piano or organ music to sometimes praise songs with guitar or drums.

The following information hopefully will help you know what to expect and be more comfortable when participating by knowing what will happen and why.

Please notice the bulletin indicates with an asterisk (*) the portions of the worship that require standing if you are able.

The Ringing of the Bell - A time-honored tradition to announce worship is beginning. This is an actual bell rung by pulling on a rope.

Prelude - Music to prepare our hearts for worship.

*Hymn of Praise – The word “hymn” originally designated a chant of thanksgiving. Initially, only the Psalms were sung by a trained choir. Now we have a hymnal with more modern classics. It’s interesting to learn the history of some of our Methodist hymns. Some were initially drinking songs set with Christian lyrics. We often stand to sing. The lyrics are on our screens at the front of the church.

*Call To Worship – a responsive reading while standing to represent the community at worship. The congregation reads bold text, and standard text is read by the lay reader or leader. The words are in your bulletin and on the screens.

Moments of Prayer – Our pastor shares our prayer concerns. After the Pastoral Prayer, the Lord’s Prayer is recited together. New prayer concerns can be written on the communication card. During the week, prayer concerns can be sent by email or phone. The prayer concern can be shortened for public sharing to respect the individual’s need for privacy.

Hymn of Preparation – We sing to prepare ourselves for the message. The lyrics are on the screens.

Message and Scripture – Our Pastor will give our message for the week. We often present sermon series that last 3-5 weeks and follow a theme, with each message building upon the other.

Offerings and Gifts – Not a collection of what is owed, but a gift or offering given in joy. If you are a visitor to our church, all we request as your gift on your first visit is your communication card placed in the basket as it is passed. You may give electronically (through your bank) if you attend regularly. Sometimes, special music is performed at this time, like solos.

*Doxology is from the Greek meaning “to speak praise.” Please, as this is sung when the ushers walk toward the altar to present the gifts (offering). The text is on the screen.

Communion is held on the first Sunday of each month at our services. We use grape juice in cups and bread. The first row is served first and then works towards the church's back. Ushers will help with the traffic flow, coming down the center aisle and returning on the side aisles. During this entire time, please remain quiet to allow silent mediation for yourself or others.

*Closing Hymn and   *Benediction A closing blessing which signals the end of worship.

Postlude – music as we leave and remember to “Carry the light of Jesus to the World.”

The pastor remains in the Narthex to greet individuals and families attending the services as they leave. One can visit the pastor and go out from the front door.

Check the calendar. It might be a potluck after service. We hope you can stay for our potluck meal after the service in the Sanctuary. Dishes for the potluck may be dropped off in the kitchen area of our Fellowship Center before service begins and collected after the potluck. If you are visiting during a potluck Sunday, please stay–we always have extra food, and we would love to have you as our guests.


* Acolyte – from Greek “one who follows.” Children in 1st-6th grade can assist in worship after training to light and extinguish the candles and to distribute and receive the offering plates.

* Altar – is the table on which the communion elements are consecrated. It also holds our candles and the Holy Bible.

* Altar rail – provides an area to kneel to pray and divides the Sanctuary for the worshipers from the raised area containing the altar.

* Apostle’s Creed –The creed covers fundamental beliefs about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit and dates back to 500 AD. It is the shortest and best-known creed.

* Baptism – From the Greek “to dip, to immerse” is an outward sign of the inner working of God in the life of the person accepting Christ. Baptizing infants or children is a public acknowledgment of the family raising the child in a Christian home. Baptism can occur as part of the worship service or be done privately. Baptized youth (6th grade and up) are ‘confirmed’ into church membership after attending confirmation classes.

Lay Reader – a member of the laity (congregation) who reads the lessons and assists the pastor with communion. Any member of the congregation can serve in this role.

* Laity – from Greek “people” to represent the congregation rather than the clergy.

* Narthex – the vestibule of the main entrance (it’s on the east side of our sanctuary building).